About Legal Counseling Centers

The legal counseling center is operated by three bar associations (the Tokyo Bar Association, Dai-ichi Tokyo Bar Association and Dai-ni Tokyo Bar Association) which were established in Tokyo in accordance with Attorney Law.

You can also refer to this site .
Legal Counseling for Foreigners web site

You can access the web sites of the three bar associations

Counseling fees are ¥5000 (excluding consumption tax) for a 30 min. consultation and ¥2500(excluding consumption tax) for every additional 15 min.
If you have any legal issues, whether civil or criminal, you are advised to seek legal advice from attorney before your case becomes more serious.
Please note if you need an attorney to represent your case, you must pay attorney's fee.
To make most of your legal consultation session,

Please note the following.

  1. Make an appointment in advance.
  2. Be on time. Call us if you will be late or need to cancel the appointment.
  3. If the person seeking legal advice cannot come to the counseling session, the person who knows the case well may come to the session on his/her behalf.
  4. Write down the main points of what have happened in chronological order.
  5. Bring all paperwork relevant to your case (copies are fine).
  6. Be honest in legal counseling session. In order to give sound advice, it is essential for the attorney to know everything including things that may be unfavorable to the consulter (the attorney has the duty of confidentiality.).